Shadow Company Profile

The company named Galanos E.- Galanos M. G.P. trading as "Shadow"was founded in 1981. It engages in the construction, application and marketing of a wide range of shading systems. The registered office of the company is at George Papandreou & 36 Riga Feraiou St in the Forest of Chaidari (showroom, offices & craftsmanship).

Its steady growth, particularly over the last few years, is due to the continuous updating of the company both in technological equipment and technical know-how, to the continuous development, improvement and renewal of products, as well as to its adaptation to the needs of the market. The company employs permanent, well-trained and qualified staff, which ensures the high quality of the manufactured systems and their correct application. Shadow shading systems are manufactured with stylish, reliable materials, to European specifications. The long cooperation with the best foreign houses (such as ensures superior quality materials with the right place and delivery time.

The components of Shadow’s strong company profile over 35 years in the shading business are experience, consistency, reliability, specificity, direct service, communication and flexibility.

The guarantee for all the above is all our customers to date, who trusted us and continue to do so.

Shadow is certified by the certifying body AJA HELLAS, in accordance with ISO 9001:2008.